Me + Em

Travel Tailoring Swing Top

by l'auteure

Travel Tailoring Swing Top

  • Size: size 6
  • Height: 5'5-5'6

Can’t figure out what it is but something is just a tad off. It looks rather frumpy on me although maybe it’s because I paired with the culottes so it just looks odd. Maybe with skinny jeans or some sort of streamlined bottom it would look better…? Not sure but not for me. I’m wearing a 6 here rather than my usual 4 as that’s the only one they had in stock. Suffice to say, I didn’t get it but perhaps it would work for someone else!ALLY Shoes,8,$325,5’5-5’6 5’5-5’6,Emerging Designers,Pumps,Shoes,Size 8 All Reviews,Ally,Shoes

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