I’ve already reviewed the LLL top so now for the black leggings. They are size S, I have learned/finally accepted that size XS is uncomfortably tight around my legs (esp my knees somehow) so now I usually get size S bottoms. I LOOOOOVE these leggings!! The material is smooth, slippery, and conforms to the body quick. The butt is super flattering, I think largely due to the stitching on he backside. There are shiny black stones glued down the sides– I didn’t realize this when I bought them, and for some reason they remind me of Taylor swift concerts (not that I’ve been to any yet!). I’m not a huge fan of the stones but the material of the leggings totally won me over and I wear them at least once a week because they’re so flattering! Makes me want to collect more buffbunny leggings.Buffbunny,S,,5’3-5’4 5’3-5’4,S Uncategorized