by l'auteure

Melissa Button 2 Boot, Redwood

  • Size: 7.5
  • Height: 5'5-5'6
  • Price: $199

OK so I’ve had these boots for two years now – aka, PLENTY of time to break in. They look absolutely lovely once they’re on – gorgeous leather, incredibly comfortable, works with just about any item of clothing, and looks like a very classic, classy leather boot.

Here’s the problem – the boot has no zip. I don’t have particular wide or narrow feet (I got the 7.5 which is my normal size), nor do I have particularly large or thin calves. Holy moly – getting these boots on is like a serious workout. It’s gotten to the point where the minute I pull these boots out of the closet, my husband will roll his eyes as he knows I’ll be huffing and grunting for the next 7 minutes to get these bloody things on.

The leather naturally has zero stretch and I have no idea how this boot was engineered but let’s just say – there’s something very faulty here. It does look absolutely gorgeous once on but I have a hard time recommending the boot given the near-impossibility of getting them on. Having said that, I think I’ve gotten JUST about the break-even use that I’m OK tossing them after this winter season.

Bummed.Frye,7.5,$199,5’5-5’6 5’5-5’6,Boots,Shoes,Size 7.5 All Reviews,Frye,Shoes

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