Me + Em

Cheesecloth Shirred Maxi Shirt Dress

by l'auteure

Cheesecloth Shirred Maxi Shirt Dress

  • Size: 4
  • Height: 5'5-5'6

This dress is one of those that look great on tall lanky women. I don’t know if it’s my height or body shape but I just felt like a peasant who’s about to go churn butter. Definitely not my style! Having said that, the fabric is really nice – it’s a heavy/medium weight fabric and you can just tell immediately that it’s well-made and good quality. It wasn’t see-through at all and the skirt is opaque as well. I so wish it could’ve worked on me. It’s one of those dresses that I bet Kate Middleton would wear and she would totally rock it.Me + Em,4,,5’5-5’6 4,5’5-5’6 Uncategorized

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