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All Reviews > By Brand > ba&sh

Doha Tie Waist Dress

Size | S
Height | 5'5-5'6
What this member says: This dress was part of my "return to office" purchases - after years of leggings and sweats, I had to refresh my roster of work dresses. I found this dress on the ba&sh website and thought the silhouette looked like it would be fairly forgiving which it totally was. It came with a belt which somehow slipped off on the streets fo NY and I didn't notice!!! One little detail is that there are these little shoulder pad thingies which gives a little more definition to the shoulders (not really something I need with my broad shoulders but thought I would raise). Size is definitely incredibly forgiving - I did notice that without the belt, the shape is not particularly flattering on my body. In case it helps, I'm 5'6, about 135lbs with a 29" waist and the size S was more than roomy. The fabric also has a very subtle pattern on it for a nice touch. It has a bit of a satin-y feel too so it feels lovely against your skin. Very easy, chic,S,$207,5'5-5'6 5'5-5'6,Dress,French Brands,Size S All Reviews,ba&sh,Dresses
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